yōng cái
意思解释:(Mediocre person)指才智平庸或能力低下的人。
The person with commonplace and low ability. Also use as the word of self-abasement. Hold the post of make announce city county fair for aplanatic emperor the first watch : I use up η of pry urgently to pull otter! Dam of a huge legendary turtle of money dark blue in all copy is poor! of of of π of ぱ of funny He Luo allow to weigh duty big, blame ~ can can. ...
庸组词、才组词、 四凶、选权、钩较、业缝、花厂、慈兄、爽俊、殿主、东轩、稚川、进寿、选置、籍没、扳道、叶肉、郢斧、完赵、汾酒、登阶、庸才、