
jiǎng wéi

意思解释:(Tell a side gate of an imperial palace)犹讲帷。




(The wicket in 1) palace. does · of official of ground of week ceremony · keep a family name :  of vinegar of counterfeit of carbonyl of Guan of basketry a legendary venomous insect! of which cease of  of  of Ч of ぐ of thin  couchant coil attack ~ and gate, neither is gotten the better of, go out therefore. (door of 2) ancestral temple. does week ceremony · take an examination of labour to write down · artisan : Ah an ancient wine vessel made of horn of stomach of figured woven silk material of § of  Pai Dang! Ng: of ā of Ji of a bolt or hook for fastening a door from outside Accompany twist N: of 2 Wei ā

