shè jiào
意思解释:(Set Taoist sacrificial ceremony)道士设立道场祈福消灾。
Luck enrages edge of green green bounty, jin Que of door of a round flat piece of jade with a hole in its center leans on a peak. Yan Zhongye of section of green Neon crimson, the green area that build red will be empyreal. Sweet catch old mud Feng Baodong, sound is passed cry crane Zhan Lingquan. Enter smoke clouds to go up clearly, why eat glow is stationed in a teenager. ...
设组词、醮组词、 横造、刚厉、马爵、民约、薪苏、缘气、纂略、克诘、九大、坦克、灵智、设警、堂户、咽唾、白丹、四臣、青云、宿鸟、沃头、设醮、