
yǔ diǎn

意思解释:(With the dot)《论语·先进》:“夫子喟然叹曰:‘吾与点(曾点)也!’”谓孔子赞赏曾点的想法。后用以指长者的赞助。




is · of the analects of confucius advanced carry: Clam of amine of toad of Li of  of chaste tree of cloud of greedy for food of carbuncle of Long of yttric Lai of Yong of hair on the neck of a pig washing with watercolors of foal of more than anxiety ' I and dot also. ' dot, ever nodded. The think of a way that Confucius admiration ever chose. Hind with with the dot call the admiration of better. Song Wangyu is Xie Chu right appropriate lost property straight is history house opened : smooth by Gu deficient...

