guī yī
意思解释:(The ceremony of proclaiming sb a Buddhist)佛教名词。信仰佛教者的入教仪式。因对佛、法、僧三宝表示归顺依附,故亦称“三皈依” 谓身心归向、依托。
Point to buddhism formerly into teach a ceremony, show believe in is Buddhist more after or join other religion organization. Li Qi Fang Wenfan of Su Ying fair buddhist : Male of plutonium of an old name for Japan of of ox of ∽ of Jie of of ∩ of basketry season drunk subtles ! Thin
皈组词、依组词、 词禁、借力、辨脱、意恉、浑粹、遐愤、扶行、师役、枹端、堤梁、炀火、寒羊、韦护、闭结、函索、票禽、兽环、棰掠、卓冠、皈依、