huì lì
意思解释:(Intelligent force)佛教语。五力之一。谓观悟苦、集、灭、道四谛,达到解脱之力。亦泛指智慧之力。见《杂阿含经》卷二六。
Ancient course pine turns, weigh water of continent green jade to connect. The bridge passes volt horse ground, the stage is recalled read year. Guest boat makes the same score Sha Yi, a screen-like mountain peak of buddhist lamp evening is dangerous. Yang of gallop ashamed dirt, ...
慧组词、力组词、 潜难、比卯、阳嘉、坐戍、亡论、翻思、潜兵、禹谟、黑魄、玄鹿、区阳、顶灯、勾配、参任、廉直、病魔、闹茶、赞私、祈农、慧力、