kǎi zhuàn
意思解释:(Model seal)指篆书。
Read aloud, qin Dazhuan, Ning an ancient style of calligraphy photograph , the alias of an ancient style of calligraphy. Seal, Li points to a style of calligraphy and an ancient style of calligraphy. Zuo , the word Zuo with current generation, cent ancient Zuo and today Zuo . Model, Zuo of allusion Geng word. Careless, the Zuo of one Er word of photograph of Zuo of word of Ning Yao Geng . [with Li ] all express Zuo of word , use on has confuse sth with sth else. Zha article read aloud word bright red...
楷组词、篆组词、 骄敖、发音、强饰、酿肆、学庭、暴犷、伪命、下水、促趱、伺察、团标、傧畔、燕脂、土方、强屈、万邦、紧着、戾色、蜜饼、楷篆、