yàn zhī
意思解释:(Swallow fat)即胭脂。一种红色的颜料。泛指红色。 泛指红色。参见“燕支”。
< is moved > besmear rouge. Word of Central Plains official. Cereal of Gansu Province pleasant. Li Gong does Gansu right dialect send small · commentate example : Abstruse つ is fine provide dinner for Piao reef of of of arc of of v/LIT all over the ground Di of play of 9 Zhu! A ' be like,read the news on the tongue ' but ' . ...
燕组词、脂组词、 尊爱、缔连、驱祟、谘受、门表、贞咸、椎拙、骄敖、发音、强饰、酿肆、学庭、暴犷、伪命、下水、促趱、伺察、团标、傧畔、燕脂、