zèng biān
意思解释:(Give whip)《左传·文公十三年》载:晋大夫士会奔秦,晋恐士会为秦所用,就派魏寿馀到秦策动士会回晋。士会离秦时,秦大夫绕朝“赠之以策,曰:'子无谓秦无人,吾谋适不用也。'”杜预注:“策,马檛。”后即以“赠鞭”喻策马快行。
The source sees the plan that wind day . Give whip just before parting, state plan horse goes quickly. Yuan Guan Hanqing 4 Chun Yuan 3 fold: of of Piao of Xi of of a surname of Xun of of Californium of saddle crazy Yu vasts uncover take Qu of climbing hunt! Thin
赠组词、鞭组词、 佻巧、翠妫、码子、陵宫、臣御、测悟、求售、花颣、蜡诏、蠢动、西垂、明镫、醵资、师团、跽拜、麻辣、养中、炎魃、游麟、赠鞭、