guī xián
意思解释:(Put in idle 's charge)归家居闲。
Idle: of Pu small S reads aloud tonetic and inflectionally, sing. Put in: 's charge Does instrument of Pu of pray Chu S subtle Piao of artisan vomit shakes P entangles file of S of that goblet plinth all blocks fact of approach Huang Xing up firmly of of Ran of は of private school Sha (Ceng Xi) say: Thin
归组词、闲组词、 利如、烦暑、徂晖、饥民、凶折、禁呵、榨床、炬焰、抑压、六葩、漫成、俶扰、忤物、坤德、井槛、挣侧、语笑、文衡、牢羞、归闲、