
qìng jù

意思解释:(Chime stone Ta )挂磬的架子。




The wood of pensile bell, chime stone wears the post of two side. does · of eulogy of week of · of The Book of Songs have blind (G ǔ ) : Zhen of Yong of Miao Lang of  of  of Ping glare treasure! : of course of study  curb imprints the nog that Sui of scene of an ancient wind instrument of Mu of ㈨ chirp Mei highlights on course of study of 3 Miao , with will hang musical instrument. Cultivate a: Fact of the Piao that brush ⑽ flinchs Miao Lai of  of Ti  Chi mires ② of basketry lofty a kind of a few. Yang Xiong dialectal : Accompany Huan of  of horny sunken blessing

