diào qiāng
意思解释:(Tone antrum)戏曲剧种。也叫掉腔。现在叫“新昌高腔”。明末清初流行于浙江绍兴一带,新中国成立前绝迹于舞台,新中国成立后得到了新生。传统剧目有《蔡伯喈》、《三关斩卞》等。
Opera type of drama. Also make pitch. Call Xin Changgao antrum now. The popularity at the beginning of Ming Moqing starts one tape at Zhejiang carry on, before new China holds water disappeared at arena, the new life got after new China holds water. Traditional a list of plays has Cai Bai Jie , 3 close behead to impetuous etc. ...
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