zhèng liáng
意思解释:(Ridge purloin)架在屋架或山墙上面最高的一根横木。也叫大梁、脊檩。
Frame it is above roof tuss or frontispiece a highest crossbar. Also call crossbeam, ridgepole. Zhu Xin the fish carries bridge, does hillock well balanced : of boundless and indistinct of oyster of of bifurcation of of Tao of of farsighted of of of white talk in one's sleep uncovers ruthenium of of dirty boundless and indistinct of miserable bifurcation is to be troubled by of right colour to target swan the horizontal stroke on stamp ground is putting a big ridge purloin, look to know Liang Tai is short, want a paragraph big to differ with housetop.
正组词、梁组词、 小女、哪位、冰洁、阴萝、木琴、依丽、气矜、治印、威名、避弃、散虑、井冠、没齿、三数、温吞、愆乏、雄振、鱼脍、剃发、正梁、