shí péng
意思解释:(10 friend)谓许多朋友。见“十朋之龟”。 见“十朋之龟”。
Word chelonian age, date plum brook, le Qing (belong to Zhejiang today) person. Carry on promotes 27 years (1157) a successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations the first. Award book of man of Zun Cheng thing, autograph to build Kang Jun section to spend official business of the office that sentence an official, government office autograph sentences Gai Shaoxing. An ancient official title of book of school of province of all previous secretary, composing assist man (what Ying Chen seeing bark writes Wang Shipeng epitaph to reach cabinet of house of the Southern Song Dynasty is recorded roll 8.
十组词、朋组词、 僭端、咽气、孝幕、避迁、反派、先声、犇凑、蓬梗、红绵、仪适、垦植、返倒、连鼓、军精、回顾、移种、折桂、根刷、估税、十朋、