bì cǎi
意思解释:(Colour of a round flat piece of jade with a hole in its center)亦作“璧采”。
(Bright / Feng Yue's person / Na Feng) ○ an eight-line poem with five characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme chins couplet. Dark blue, borrow for dark green , with with green right. Borrow the false color with right tone to be opposite. ...
璧组词、彩组词、 主考、逸藻、局气、七星、声技、壶蠭、感怆、新容、余名、黠捷、凶衰、眼眶、共兜、俗歌、吴酸、渔簔、亿忌、瞥闻、奉赐、璧彩、