fàn jiān
意思解释:(Make evil)见“犯奸”。 亦作“犯奸”。犯通奸罪。见“犯姦”。
With offend . Offend; is encroached. below annals of the five elements of Chinese book · under : Float of Ju of 8 ! Caution account casts evil sound is dry. is lid forgive passed : Suan of Gan Xian of Ju of of ィ of carbon of the foot of mountain of allow of dam foot aether! Thin
犯组词、奸组词、 长违、揭底、醇乐、详一、宫绡、磕瓜、郢客、指要、揉藉、侧手、束藴、番货、嗜芰、适宜、儒豪、局干、炮塔、沦卷、成书、犯奸、