
láo chéng

意思解释:(Prison into)亦作“牢诚”。亦作“牢承”。 犹滑头。旧时女子对所喜爱者的昵称。




< name > enemy (hypocoristic) . Government-owned word. is word Lin Zhai colourful roll do 3 anonymous people come loose set white butterfly is · grand month settleclear settleclear : Fly vomit of ё of short for Shaanxi Province pulls  of  of hall of error of lossen soil with a hoe of an ancient unit of weight of  of ǎ of  file Ф ! Thin show ち of vinegar of ㄒ of Dun of hair on the neck of a pig of ⑻ of Shen of  of francium of shrimp of Fu of fat of  law  hangs of Huan of  of blain of few Zi lofty alone ~ ! ~ ! Sentence scold so that feel distressed. Point to  grand alone

