xī qián
意思解释:(Before genu)腿膝前面。 指父母的身边。 跪着向前移动。
敬子女对父母的敬称。子女幼时经常依偎于父母的膝前,故以此代称父母大人。多用于书信语体。例孩儿敬禀膝前二老,在外诸事顺利,不必挂牵。注意:又作“膝下”。 …
Jing Zi daughter is right of parents respect say. Children young when before the genu that often leans close at parents, friend calls parents adult with this generation. Multi-purpose at epistolary type of writing. Exemple child before the genu that respect report 2 old, outer all things are great, need not hang pull. Notice: Bulge of ハ of postscript of swollen a huge legendary turtle is slight!
膝组词、前组词、 干济、骚体、礼炮、调笛、不耻、颠倒、便马、麤粗、穷竟、三到、板胡、扫道、东笼、沥恳、抃栗、铺衍、蝶绡、沈身、雥集、膝前、