
gòng shì

意思解释:(Offer an issue)清代京吏在衙门内各房科管理事务的,都称供事。 奉事;履行职责。 奉祀。 唐 冯贽 《云仙杂记·自负书剑》:“凌倚 隐 衡山,往来自负书剑,削竹为担,裹以乌毡。


共事ɡònɡ//shì 动在一起工作。〈例〉~多年/我们第一次~时,他还年轻/我们曾经共过事,对他的脾气秉性还是比较了解的。〈近〉同事。供事ɡònɡ//shì 动担任职务。〈例〉~于一所财会学校/在造纸研究所~/路瓦栽…


Work together ɡ of ɡ ò N / / Sh ì changes the job together. < exemple > ~ is old / our first time when ~ , he is young still / we once passed a work in all, still compare understanding to his disposition nature. < close > work in the same place. ɡ of N of ò of the ɡ that offer an issue / / Sh ì is moved hold the position of a post. < exemple > ~ is met at a money the school / in papermaking institute ~ / road tile is grown...

