yù ràng
意思解释:(Comfort lets)春秋战国间晋人。为晋卿智瑶家臣。晋出公二十二年(公元前453年)赵、韩、魏共灭智氏。豫让用漆涂身,吞炭使哑,暗伏桥下,谋刺赵襄子未遂,后为赵襄子所捕。临死时,求得赵襄子衣服,拔剑击斩其衣,以示为主复仇,然后伏剑自杀。见《史记·刺客列传》。
< renown > compatriots of the advance between age the Warring States. It is retainer of advance Qing Zhiyao originally. Zhao, Han, Home Wei San destroys in all wisdom family name, he changes a full name, swallow charcoal lacquer body, for many times assassinate Zhao assists child, be about to be Zhi Yao to avenge. Be captured after, get Zhao Xiang child the garment, draw attacks the suicide after thorn. ...
豫组词、让组词、 峯腰、军社、复印、荣序、巍岑、鹅阙、空爵、凡枝、史局、轴瓦、湛身、眼罩、升陟、庆幸、科雉、嬴博、性僻、夔鼓、豆藤、豫让、